Freitag, 1. Oktober 2021


Well, the whole story of covid-19 jabs is outrageous and atrocious. Thousands were killed and hundreds of thousands were maimed by these "vaccines". And these are not genuine vaccines which contain the antigens of pathogens which induce immunity against the corresponding pathogens, but zombie mRNA-"vaccines" which force the organism to mass-produce extremely harmful and even murderous pathogen - the spike protein of covid virus.

And now these two poisoners of mankind who invented the method to protect harmful mRNA-jabs from being destroyed by the immune system of the jabbed organism, are even proposed as candidates for Nobel prize!

It should be noted that their discovery is being used by Big Pharma - Pfizer and Moderna - not for the benefit, but for the extermination of mankind. This discovery is pretty simple: to convert the mRNA coding the murderous spike protein of covid virus into a zombie-mRNA, literally into a pseudo-mRNA which efficiently resists destruction by the jabbed organism. It is the one-step trick of replacing all uridine (U) residues in its nucleotide sequence with pseudo-uridine (Ψ) residues:

Verily, this pseudo-mRNA turning humans into pathetic languid zombies is a treasure of Big Pharma sociopaths because it is NOT natural and therefore patentable. That is why Big Pharma loves it so much!

Please see the details of this satanic plot of money bags against mankind discussed by two courageous good guys: Dr. Ryan Cole and Mr. Dale Bigtree here: or here: .

Please read the background scientific information here: .

There are also numerous excellent articles about the covid-19 scamdemics here: .

Quite obviously this scamdemics could be staged worldwide only with a widespread bribing of the politicians and bureaucrats controlling governments and international organizations by the globalist billionaires' cabal, Big Pharma in particular. The only thing which can save the mankind from "medical" extermination with harmful jabs is the disclosure of transactions with "Pfizer" and "Moderna" shares involving politicians and bureaucrats, leading to the Nuremberg Trials 2.0.


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