Samstag, 9. November 2019



A crosspost of the article by Elizabeth Woodworth "How to Help Julian Assange by Writing to Him in Prison" published here:

*  *  *
Elizabeth Woodworth:
"Not reported by ANY corporate media was the October 2 London protest to protect Julian Assange, led by Pink Floyd’s world famous co-founder, Roger Waters and award-winning journalist John Pilger, in front of Britain’s Home Office.  About 1,000 people attended.
On Monday, October 28th  Roger Waters, one of the top UK performers of all time (“Dark Side of the Moon”), described the media blackout:
Source: https://
This is incredible, given that Assange was interviewed in 2010 by Sir David Frost (the only person to have interviewed all US presidents and UK prime ministers for many decades) on Al Jazeera.
There are no charges against Assange. At the Westminster magistrate’s extradition hearing October 21, John Pilger was present and reported that Assange could barely speak or think. Assange was not permitted to see his defence documents while in this “court”. John’s description is utterly appalling.
The truth about Julian’s character was recently reported by the Ecuadorian diplomat at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, who was with Julian for six years. See this.
The media is now entirely complicit as the UK bows to US dominance, while turning its back on its own laws in an atrocious violation of human rights.
Julian needs a network of people to co-ordinate a grass-roots movement to press for his freedom – but most people as of 2019 have never heard of Assange, thanks to the presstitute media.  Paul Craig Roberts has recently mounted a petition to support Assange on his website.
Julian himself has made some suggestions on how to help him in his replies to people who have written to him in prison: “Letters from Belmarsh: What Julian Assange says we should do to save his life
Until something major gets organized, it is possible to write words of encouragement to Julian. His prisoner number must be included on the envelop or the letter will not be delivered to him in Belmarsh maximum security prison, where he is not permitted to speak to other prisoners.  Here is what is recommended for writing to him:
Apparently, because he gets a lot of mail, it should be a short letter, telling him anything you have done, or want to do, to try to help him.
Mr. Julian Assange
Prisoner # A9379AY
HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB UK
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Elizabeth Woodworth, Global Research, 2019"

Freitag, 27. September 2019



It is quite obvious that the fabulous rise of media "superstar" Cinderella Greta Thunberg is simply too marvellous to be genuine. Just watch this (video source here: https:// ):
The politicians of the whole world piously listen how this arrogant and ignorant sh..ty shrimp pontificates and abuses them and... applaud her!

Why? - Because very, very big money speaks through her mouth. Here are Greta and her puppetteer Ms. Louise-Marie Neubauer employed by the "One" fund financed by swindler Soros and his Rothschild masters:

Greta is also financed by the "Open Society Fund" owned by Soros, see here: https:// .

Here Greta receives the "amnesty international" award, also financed by Soros, see here: https:// :

Frankly, Greta does not deserve me writing much more about her. She is too ignorant and incompetent to play the role of The High Priestess of "Green Ecologists". The falsity of her media image is TOO OBVIOUS, especially after she received from her masters the so-called "alternative Nobel Prize". The whole fairy tale of Cinderella Greta is as fake as a 4 US$ banknote or as the notorious "hockey club" drawings by Mr. Michael E. Mann, the author of "global warming" scam.

All mass-media horror stories about "inevitable disastrous climate change in 4 (or 12 years)" are nothing but wild fantasies which stir up the idle imagination of petty bourgeois nincompoops who like such horror stories simply because they grew up on silly Holliwood horror movies.  The ranting of Cinderella Greta is an astroturf fake "green" mass-media event with the aim to convert the whole Earth into commodity, to attach price tag to every spot, to every bit of mankind's commons without any resistance from general public. It is a mega swindle - the project of the globalist super-rich to privatize the whole Earth under vicious pretence of "saving" it from invented fake disaster of allegedly man-made "climate change".

Here are the beneficiaries of this scheme salivating on the resources of the Earth which they want to steal from mankind:

And here are some glossy mass-media cover pics creating the glamorous image of (fake) green "star" Greta:

Those fans of "extinction rebellion" who still believe in silly horror stories told by Greta, invented by her multibillion-rich masters and broadcast by capitalist mass-media presstitutes, should read this:
- a series of articles written by Cory Morningstar, the first one here :
and the latest here : http:// , more to come;
- and all this as well:

Enough is enough!

Samstag, 21. September 2019

Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2019


An open letter to the editors of the wsws web site
Dear Sirs,
I am a Russian living in (East) Germany since 1983. I was born in 1956 and remember well enough what my parents (my father was a soldier in the Soviet Army during the WW2), my grandparents and many other elderly people who unfortunately are now dead, told me about the times of the WW2. Therefore I am immune against the present efforts by capitalist propaganda to viciously defame the Soviet Union. On the other hand, I have no illusions about the despotic rule of Mr. (not "comrade"!) Stalin and consider it as an anti-communist regression into the tsarist past.

Generally I enjoy reading the articles published by wsws. Unfortunately the film review "Beanpole (Dylda): Disturbing scenes of post-war Soviet life" by Ms. Clara Weiss ( https:// ) is a very different kettle of fish. First of all, I am convinced that any review advertising this disgustingly false anti-communist film by the unscrupulous and ignorant putinoid spit licker and scoundrel Balagov does not deserve to be published by your web site.
What Ms. Clara Weiss pathetically tries to "discuss" is plain calumny and lies. I didn't watch the film, but I know pretty well how dishonest and false are the films about the Soviet era which are produced now in Putin's capitalist Russia. This knowledge and the text by Ms. Clara Weiss allow me to tell you confidently the following:

1) All those Soviet people who lived through the WW2 remembered the war time not only as extremely hard, but also as permeated with genuine solidarity and mutual willingness to help, unseen neither before, nor after the war. You should know that whereas the wars of the US-imperialism turn GIs into monsters and psychotics, the righteous war effort of Soviet people made them more humane towards each other. This was told to me even by an elderly acquaintance of my parents who was unjustly imprisoned in 1937 and then volunteered to join a penal battalion of the Soviet army. The first engagement with the enemy was survived by him and just two dozens of others (out of approx. 150 men), and the survivors were transferred either into the regular military service or hospitalized.

2) What a disgusting psychopathic fantasy of misanthropic jerk Balagov is the scene of a female nurse strangling a little boy! I must tell you that such atrocities were simply impossible in the Soviet Union! Putinoid scumbags (Mr. Balagov and his ilk) are handsomely paid for telling shameless and outrageous lies about the Soviet people depicting them as murderous monsters, prostitutes and pervs - in order to brainwash the young generation of Russians, to make them believe that the Soviet past was no better than the horrible inherently criminal and psychopathic reality of capitalism in present-day Russia with all its monsters plus corruption and lawlessness of officialdom and bitter misery of the people...

3) Concerning the sexually perverse scenes in this film reported by Ms. Clara Weiss: I must tell her that there was an overwhelming aversion among Soviet people against homosexualism. Well, there was a lot of promiscuity after the WW2, because far too many men were killed in action, and a certain part of the survivors preferred not to marry but to use this opportunity for having simultaneous sexual relations with a number of women. But Ms. Clara Weiss must know that even in prison camps Russian women would rather masturbate than succumb to lesbian perversion. I heard that from an elderly lady who was imprisoned for 10 years in Stalin's Gulag. Generally, both men and women in the Soviet Union considered homosexualism as degrading, as a sign of personal and social failure - as a man and respectively as a woman.

Summing up: Ms. Clara Weiss before trying to write anything about the Soviet Union in WW2, should first learn telling the truth from lies by reading works of Mr. Simonov, Mr. Sholokhov, Mr. Tvardovski and many others who saw the horrors of WW2 with their own eyes.

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2019



I simply have no decent words for this occasion.