Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2020



Among all published and unpublished opinions concerning COVID-19 one opinion is unfortunately still missing - the genuine marxist opinion.


Only marxism (the revolutionary marxism of K. Marx, W. Lenin, L. Trotsky and H. Grossman) connects all the dots which are significant in considering the causes of "COVID-19 pandemics" fake. And the resultant picture strongly suggests that in the nearest future we are going to face the second Great Depression, caused by the perverse profit-seeking logic of capitalist economics. This disaster was already proclaimed at the WEF as "The Great Reset" and "The New Normal". It is long overdue because during the last 30 years capitalist world economics was experiencing a continuous slump caused by the overaccumulation of capital which finds no opportunities of profitable productive investment and therefore is doomed to be annihilated.

The parasitic banksters who are the main beneficiaries of various monetary injections by governments - so-called "quantitative easings" etc. - are now getting ready to crash the real world economics to execute the massive annihilation of "superfluous" capital, the way they did it in the October 1929 Wall Street stock market crash followed by worldwide Great Depression and World War 2 which considered from the point of view of marxist political economy were nothing but enormous destructions of productive capital.

I would like to draw your attention to the following literature which substantiates this claim:

- Karl Marx: "Grundrisse", see e.g. here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1857/grundrisse/ ;

- Henryk Grossman: "The Theory of Economic Crises,", see e.g. here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/grossman/1922/crises/index.htm ;

- Henryk Grossman: "The Law of Accumulation and Collapse of the Capitalist System", see e.g. here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/grossman/1929/breakdown/index.htm .

A clear picture of presently dominant tendencies of the politics of the globalist multibillionaires' oligarchy is drawn by Dr. Michael Hudson here: https://michael-hudson.com/2020/10/capitalisms-charade-continues/ (the video is here: https://youtu.be/VqBhz-qleyU ) and here: https://michael-hudson.com/2020/05/defining-a-tyrant/ (the audio is here: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/download/rzvf9a/PCH_052620.mp3 )

The menace of "Great Reset" i.e. 2nd Great Depression means a barbarous sacrifice of mankind's standard of living in order to secure new superprofits for a tiny bunch of capitalist scoundrels. The criminal and inhuman nature of multibillionaires' oligarchy (WEF, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission etc.) which nowadays dictates the politics of Western "democratic" governments is quite obvious, so that much more suffering for the whole mankind is inevitable if we do not organize our resistance and fight capitalism.


Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2020



Please watch this recent video (source: https://youtu.be/vUUym5b7fC4 ):


No doubt this police outrage is just a glimpse of present deepening sociopolitical crisis of world capitalism with its main actors: criminal multibillionaire oligarchs and corrupt rogue governments and bureaucracies. Democracy is dead, and fascist police state is being hastily beefed up with the help of pathetic COVID-19 lies - all around the world.

All this is nothing new. It is a repeat of 1930-ies, and the worst thing is the absence of truly communist anticapitalist forces which could be able to stop and reverse this sliding of the whole world into the morass of capitalist totalitarianism, antisocial politicking and warmongering.

Capitalism means fascism, war and wage slavery for the people. The alternative is socialism, precisely speaking - behaviorist socialism.

In short, this alternative means that:

- the only scientific explanation of capitalism was given by Karl Marx, for example in his "Grundrisse - Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy",

- the only realistic way of liberation from capitalist socioeconomical tyranny was shown by Vladimir Lenin in his "State and Revolution", and

- the scientific basis for constructing the only humane and progressive alternative to capitalism - the socialist society - was unknowingly provided by Burrhus F. Skinner with the whole body of his behavioral research, as well as his timid attempts to draw sociopolitical conclusions from it in his "Walden Two" and "Beyond Freedom and Dignity".
