Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2021


It is really annoying - ignorant yankees incessantly making stupid remarks about socialism, communism and marxism. This time it is a silly joke made by "babylon bee":

In my humble opinion the book which is most suitable for Mr. Biden to be sworn on is "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler. Mr. Hitler established his fascist dictatorship in 1933 by burning the Reichstag (German Parliament) and accusing the communists of doing this; whereas Mr. Biden organized "Occupy of the Capitol" by the bunch of actors (decorated as MAGA's) hired by the "Democrats" and accused Mr. Trump of doing it. It is a couple of similar false flag operations, I must say... And now the Capitol is "democratically" occupied by armed troops!

At least since 1913 (after the establishment of privately-owned rip-off scheme called "federal reserve") the USA is ruled by a clandestine oligarchy of the super-rich. The "elected" or rather preselected politicians are nothing but their sock-puppets. Here are some of present USA oligarchs (fascist dictators) who now wish to spread their tyranny over the whole world:

Yankees are so fundamentally brainwashed by capitalist propaganda that they have not the slightest inclination to get rid of their ignorance and find out what socialism, communism and marxism really are. Yankees in their scandalous ignorance wrongly imagine them to be the same as fascism. Most of them have never seen "The Communist Manifesto", let alone read it. So here are some facts for the benefit of yankee sheeple:

The main theme of this book is the liberation of all working people from exploitation by capitalist parasites and the tyranny of capitalist state.

I have this book in German, Russian and English. Here is the English one:

This is actually a tiny book 7.3 by 4.5 by 1/4 inch; one can read it all in a couple of hours.

Obviously the arrogant and pathetic nincompoop "babylon bee" confused it with Marx's oeuvre majeur - "Capital" - which comprises three rather big volumes to which should be added "Theories of Surplus Value" also in three volumes. It is certainly insurmoutable (far too big) for any yankee who is accustomed to read only one-line "tweets".

Here is what I must tell all self-adoring yankees: if you wish to understand what is now going on in your "exceptional" country - study marxism. Start with "The Communist Manifesto" and then proceed with a short and clear exposition of Marxist political economy - "Law of the Accumulation and Breakdown of Capitalism" by Henryk Grossman e.g. here: .

Afterwards you'll know what it is all about. But before that just simply shut up.


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