Samstag, 4. Juli 2020


Dear Professor Chossudovsky, Szanowny Panie professorze!

I was very unpleasantly surprised reading this article on your web site. This article is not only blatant disinformation, but also a disgusting spit-licking of the official propaganda of antidemocratic and antisocial criminal regime of fascist scumbag Mr. Putin and the mafia oligarchy of his "dear friends" pillaging Russia and enslaving its people. The aforementioned "historic constitutional changes in Russia" are an arrogant anticonstitutional coup with the single purpose: to install what practically is a dictatorship - life "presidency" - of this utterly incompetent and corrupt mobster - Mr. Vlad "Judas" Putin.
You write in your CV that you speak Russian. Therefore I wonder whether you are badly misinformed about the situation in Russia under the illegitimate rule of Mr. Putin and his criminal gang. You should know that at least the last presidential and parliamentary "elections" in Russia were nothing but an outrageous scam with systematic vote-rigging. The mockery of "constitution voting" which Mr. Lendman now shamelessly tries to depict as "meet(ing) all the democratic requirements", is simply the last case of repressive rape of democracy by the palaeolithically barbarous capitalist regime of Yeltsin-Putin which (being supported by the US and Israeli imperialism) grabbed political power as the result of fascist coup in autumn of 1993 when these scoundrels shelled the Supreme Soviet of Russian Federation in Moscow - just like general Pinochet who shelled the presidential palace in Santiago de Chile in autumn of 1973.

Mr. Putin's regime will come into world history as one of many notoriously criminal oligarcho-bureaucratic regimes installed by the US imperialism, in the same category as the regimes of Reza Pehlevi in Iran, Mobutu in Congo-Zaire and Marcos in the Philippines. No wonder that Putin's disgustingly repressive and corrupt regime is hated by the people of Russia.

Dear professor Chossudovsky, I am convinced that it was not your fault that this article by Mr. Lendman appeared on your site. But his whitewashing of Mr. Putin's criminal regime is a disgrace for your site and in my humble opinion should be removed a.s.a.p. It is not the question of different opinions and tastes. It is the question of the truth being concealed with propaganda. And the truth is what the Russians living under the yoke of Putin's regime say and write. Please at least take a look at numerous materials and comments on this site (especially this one ) and watch the interview of Mr. Sheremetiev - a communist deputy of Moscow Duma (local parliament) - here .

I try my best to be honest and just when writing my blogs in Russian here and in English here . I must confess that I myself was initially fooled by the demagogy of pro-Putin propaganda. My consolation is that I was not alone - among those who were also initially misled are e.g. Mr. Matt Taibbi and Ms. Abby Martin.

I simultaneously send this letter to Mr. Lendman and post it on my blog .

With respectful regards życzę Panu sto lat,
Yours sincerely,
Alexej Brykowski

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