Why? - You should better ask this Macro-merdeur, the fascist ass-licker of the Rothschilds:
La tarea de la construcción del Socialismo, a que se enfrenta la Revolución Bolivariana, sólo se puede solucionar de una nueva manera. Es decir, un cambio socialista adaptado a la sociedad de masas, que, por experiencia, sólo reacciona a gestión y incitación manipuladora (y no ideológica). Y para eso se necesita una base científica verdadera de behaviorismo que aplica la tecnología de refuerzo (reinforcement) manipulativo a conducta operanta (operant behavior).
I recommend those who have no idea of marxist political economy to read "Law of the Accumulation and Breakdown" by Henryk Grossman. An abridged translation into English is posted here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/grossman/1929/breakdown/index.html . It helps to understand that the insanities of deindustrialization, rent extraction, usury, speculation in stocks and shares, "new green deal", fake covid pandemics, etc. are just attempts to save the globalist oligarchy of big business and banksters from ruin by wrecking the rest of world economy. The overaccumulation of corporate and financial capital is also the cause of all other ugly peculiarities of modern capitalist economy, for example massive buybacks of shares by giant corporations. Buybacks drastically reduce the market capitalization of these corporations, thus improving the profitability of the residual invested capital of (major) stockholders.