Dear Dr. Coleman,
I really adore your objective and at the same time uncompromising critique of the politics dictated by the gang of globalist billionaires to their pathetic puppets - the political establishment and the mass-media. I completely agree with you and share your position, especially concerning the covid-19 fear mongering and the retrograde barbarianism of "green" anti-CO2 crusaders.
But unfortunately you (as all other oppenents of this seemingly insane politics aimed at the destruction of our civilisation) do not disclose the real motives of the billionaire perpetrators of this politics - the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Buffet, Fink, Gates, Schwab, Musk, Besos etc. And the most urgent question is: Why this gang of super rich scoundrels is so eager to destroy the modern technologically advanced civilisation, although this obviously means the economic collapse of industrial capitalism?
This pretense madness has its hidden logic. And this logic was analysed many years ago by Dr. Karl Marx. He discovered that the law of diminishing profit rate in the course of capital accumulation means the death sentence to the capitalist production mode based on the exploitation of wage labour. This thesis was not disproved despite numerous failed attempts (and false claims of success) by bourgeois economists and propagandists.
The problem nowadays is that nobody reads Marx, first because of the bogus dominant opinion that Marx is obsolete and even wrong, and secondly because of Marx's 19-century German heavyweight scientific writing style which is incomprehensible for those who are used to read only tweets.
I would like to recommend you reading a very well-written book on the difficult subject of this law of political economy, written by Mr. Henryk Grossman just before the beginning of the Great Depression: "The Law of Accumulation and Collapse of the Capitalist System" by Henryk Grossman. You can read this book here (translation into English).
This book gives the clue to understanding the economic necessity - caused by the inevitably deficient valorisation of the giant capitals accumulated by billionaires, hedge funds, banks etc. - of such perverse and outrageous measures as "quantitative easings" (fake profits for the super rich), destruction of "excessive" productive capital (usually accomplished by wars) with "green new deal" and "covid"-lockdowns, as well as the "new normal" proclaimed by Mr. Schwab of the WEF and depicted by him this way:
which in reality will turn out as fascism 2.0 and the substitution of wage labour with concentration camps' slave labour:
I suspect that the globalists try (in the tradition of physiocrats) to regard slave labour as a source of "natural rent" and thus as the solution of the problem of diminishing returns on capital. Marxist political economy exposes this thinking as an illusory wishful thinking, because the replacement of wage labour with slave labour simply transfers labour from variable to constant capital and the problem of the progressively deficient valorisation in the process of capital accumulation remains unsolved. Truly, the only solution of all the problems of capitalism is the annihilation of capitalist system and the construction of socialist society. It is also obvious that this desperate and futile attempt to save capitalism by turning the course of history backwards to slave-owning system will bring untimely death to many (hundreds of) millions of innocent people.
In short, this "new normal" is designed by the globalist billionaires' oligarchy as a subterfuge remake of German Nazi totalitarian 3rd Reich and as such is obviously doomed to fail. Some interesting thoughts concerning fascism were expressed by Mr. George Orwell here: .
I repeatedly made this point on my Russian ( ) and English ( ) blogs, but unfortunately I have small publicity. Therefore I ask you to read the book of Mr. Grossman and devote one of your future talks on "brand new tube" - - to his explanation of the economical cause of the political outrage we witness now all around the (capitalist) world.
Yours sincerely,