From "dictatorship" to puppet terrorist "democracy"
La tarea de la construcción del Socialismo, a que se enfrenta la Revolución Bolivariana, sólo se puede solucionar de una nueva manera. Es decir, un cambio socialista adaptado a la sociedad de masas, que, por experiencia, sólo reacciona a gestión y incitación manipuladora (y no ideológica). Y para eso se necesita una base científica verdadera de behaviorismo que aplica la tecnología de refuerzo (reinforcement) manipulativo a conducta operanta (operant behavior).
Real murderous nature of West-and-Israel-sponsored ISIS-HTS regime in Syria. Source and more videos here: /
More information here: .
The price paid for this so-called “piece of art" is US$ 5.2 million. Such was the result of bidding at a Sotheby's auction (see this ).
With Sotheby's fees, the price comes to US$ 6.2 million.
What these millions are paid for? Obviously this price was paid neither for the market value of this banana nor for the non-existent artistic value of this "creation". The millions were paid by a billionaire to arrogantly spit into the face of all working mankind.
Therefore we can regard this hyperinflationary overpriced banana as the picture of parasitic capitalist jet set.
Putin should have fought the Western aggression not now, not in 2022, and not in 2014 but in 2000 after he became the President of Russia. Watch this (source BBC):
Sure. The UNO "Summit of the Future" was magnificent:
And all orations were full of consummate wisdom:
And all the documents signed by the participants - "Pact for the Future", "Declaration on Future Generations" and "Global Digital Compact" - are based on "The Science". In Science we trust...
But what is hidden behind this pompous façade?
The truth, friends. The inconvenient truth:
But why politicians and mass-media tell lies?
Because they are bribed by the Globalist Big Money.
It can turn "democratic":
It can turn "indian":
It can turn "black":
It can turn God knows what else...