Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2022



Ladies and gentlemen,

considered in general, your reporting is excellent. Nevertheless there are some points (and even tendencies) which should be criticized. One of these tendencies is the blind anti-communism of Mr. David Scott.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am not a fan of Mr. Stalin for many reasons, one of them being the fact that both my grandfathers were sentenced to 10 years of forced labor camps during the "Great Terror" of 1937. Both were innocent; one of them was even released 2 years later because the "evidence" against him was an utterly obvious calumny.

Please also understand that we all must fight the lies and disseminate the truth. Actually what Mr. Scott was telling on May 23rd, 2022, about the Katyn massacre are blatant lies of German Nazi propaganda and Dr. Goebbels in particular:

These lies are uncessantly regurgitated by the Polish authorities and the Western mass-media in general. Katyn was one of numerous anticommunist horror stories of Western propaganda which the present Kremlin anticommunist regime of Yeltsin and his successor Putin used as false justifications of its pro-western, pro-capitalist and antisocial politics of betrayal of socialism and plundering of Russian natural ressources in partnership with Western imperialism. Russian authorities and Mr. Putin himself were repeating these lies as late as 2015:

The list of other humiliating provocations of Western imperialism against pro-western capitalist Russia is long. It includes:
- the "(South-)Korean airliner" (in reality a USA spy plane) which was shot down in the Far East over Russian territorial waters;
- the torpedo attack of US submarine which sunk Russian nuclear submarine "Kursk" in Russian territorial waters;
- the crash of Malaysian airliner shot down by the Ukrainian air force over Donbass.
In all these incidents the Russian government did
nothing to expose and condemn the gangsterism of Western imperialism, and participated in spreading the blatant lies of Western propaganda. The treasonable Yeltsin-Putin regime was foolishly striving for pathetic "friendship" with the satanic Western imperialism.

But now, as the Western imperialism started a proxy war in the Ukraine against Putin's Russia, the Kremlin capitalist regime makes attempts to reconcile itself with the people of Russia. The Katyn "memorial" is not mentioned in Russian mass-media anymore. It is simply because the truth is that the Polish officers who were prisoners of war in the USSR since 1939, were executed not by Stalin NKVD in May 1940, but by Hitler armed forces in August and September 1941. The executed Polish officers were those who refused the evacuation arranged by Soviet authorities after the Nazi invasion of the USSR on June 22nd, 1941, because they were rabid anticommunists who had insane dreams of joining the German Nazi forces to fight against "the Reds", "the Bolsheviks".

There were approx. 100 thousands of Polish officers and soldiers who were saved from the Nazi Germans by the Soviets. Later the USSR allowed them to join the well-known army of General Anders. Nevertheless they refused to fight Nazis together with the Red Army and insisted to be evacuated via Iran to the Western "allies". This wish was granted them by the Soviets in 1942; in 1944 some of them served in Italy under the US command.

The 1944 Soviet investigation commission of Katyn massacre headed by Prof. MD Burdenko provided undisputable proofs that the Polish officers were executed by the German Nazis. One of these is the fact that some corpses which remained intact or were buried again by the Germans after their 1943 fake "investigation" still contained in their heads 7.65 mm and 6.35 mm bullets of pistol cartridges manufactured by German company "GECO".

Nazi Germans also made several mistakes in their fake "investigation": they failed to remove the pieces of German-made rope which tied the hands of the corpses; and among the personal documents found on the corpses, photographed and published by the Germans, were some with contents indicating that they were written after May 1940!

I am not aware of any truthful literature in English on the subject of Katyn massacre of Polish officers by German Nazi troops. As far as I know, such literature exists only in Russian. The most detailed and profound exposition is provided by the Russian historian Yuri Mukhin (Юрий Мухин) in his books "Катынский детектив" and "Антироссийская подлость" which is posted on the Web here: .


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