Samstag, 2. Januar 2021



An open letter to Melissa and Aaron Dykes a.k.a. "Truthstream Media"

Dear Melissa and Aaron,

First of all, I wish you a Happy New Year.

In December I saw somewhere in Internet a reference to your film "The Minds of Men" and consequently spent my leisure time on Christmas and New Year holidays watching it (here: ) and many other videos you posted on youtube. I do congratulate you because you posted there a lot of correct and truthful observations. It was undisputably a hard work because you had to sift through a lot of mass-media junk and lies. Thank you very much, for by watching your films I got very well and up-to-date informed on many topical subjects. As to me, I strictly ignore mass-media, hence watching your films was really the only way I could get at once so much information on all these outrageous things - psychosurgery, transhumanism, "neuralink", non-curing "medicines" including vaccines, "population bomb", Internet "fact checking" etc. etc.

Nevertheless I must tell you that you still can improve your "Truthstream" to make it still better There are minor things which probably were pointed to you by other viewers, for example the fact that you make too many repetitions of audio and video fragments (this can cause accusations that your "Truthstream" is propaganda, because repetition is one of the main instruments of propaganda), or deliberate distortions ("visual effects") which are really annoying.

(Screenshot courtesy: A & M Dykes)

Undistorted realistic pictures are much more impressive:

But unfortunately there are very important things which in my opinion you either do not mention at all or present in a completely wrong way. Certainly, your point of view is the result of your personal experiences which are rather typical for the North-Americans, but (thanks God!) not unquestionably shared by people in other parts of the world. So please do not get upset by the following. I am an ex-Soviet citizen living already almost forty years in Germany (first in the German Democratic Republic which you call "East Germany", and at present in united Germany, which is nothing but an expanded West-Germany).

The first such thing is what you call socialism and collectivism, i.e. communism and marxism. You equate it with dictatorship, coercion, lack of freedom etc., and oppose it with "liberty", "democracy" and "individualism". But in reality you ascribe to socialism and collectivism all negative, cruel and unfair properties of capitalism. Although you did not live in the Soviet system, you simply repeat the hackneyed lies of the capitalist mass-media propaganda instead of learning what it really was. On the other hand you do not realize that the madness, atrocities and crimes you abhor and critisize are in fact peculiar to capitalism. You obviously cannot see capitalism as an outsider (like me) sees it. Probably you are even not aware of it - like fish is not aware of water around it. It is not your fault, it is your misfortune. It is also a misfortune of your friend Dr. Breggin who in his ignorance even called the fascist (francoist) scoundrel Dr. Delgado "a marxist"!!!

You should know that the negative attitude of George Orwell towards socialism was due to his encounter (when fighting in Spanish Civil War) with the stalinism which is nothing but a horrible and criminal perversion of socialism and communism. I must tell you that both my grandfathers were falsely accused and sent to Gulag by Stalin's henchmen. As a result I had a very negative opinion of socialism when a kid, but tasting capitalism (after 1989 when the GDR was absorbed by West Germany) completely changed my mind.

If you wish to learn more about socialism and capitalism I recommend you to read first "The Theory of Leisure Class" by Thorstein Veblen and to learn more about the history of socialist movement in the USA - the Mayday (Haymarket) Martyrs, the IWW, Joe Hill, Emma Goldman and others.

The right understanding of capitalism is provided only by marxism. In short, capitalist is a person who proverbially can "eat a cake and still have it". This is not a miracle but the result of the exploitation of hired labour. Capitalist profit is simply unpaid wages. The aim of capitalist production is the extraction of surplus value (roughly profits), not the production of goods. As soon as the economic conditions (the hyperaccumulation of capital) make capital investment unprofitable, capitalist production stops and we have what is called "recession", "depression" and "the crisis of economy".

We have this situation (hyperaccumulation of capital) since 1980ies, therefore I recommend you reading "Law of the Accumulation and Breakdown" by Henryk Grossman (translation into English is available free here: ). It is a uniquely lucid treatise of marxist political economy. This book was published in German in 1929, but all these years nobody bothered to translate it into Russian. Therefore I started to do it (the first segment of my translation is here: ).

This book provides clues to all outrageous peculiarities of modern global capitalism. I cannot describe all of them here, and therefore mention only the fact that exactly the hyperaccumulation of capital by multibillionaires and global corporations deflated their capital (made it unprofitable). They are monstrous dinosaurs which should die out, but they survive by bribing government bureaucracies all around the world. These corrupt bureaucracies committed all sorts of crimes (imperialist wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria) for the benefit of Big Oil and armament corporations, as well as frauds at the expense of the subdued peoples - "quantitative easings" and other subsidies for Big Corporations to compensate the failed (Grossman calls it "imperfect") valorisation of their capital. The latest con is the fake "Covid Pandemics" killing off small enterprises and beefing up Big Pharma, "Amazon", Bill Gates and the rest of multibillionaire scum...

Now you know that I am a "behaviorist-socialist". It is because neither socialism nor behaviorism are evil. Marxism, for sure, provides a scientific explanation of how capitalism works and why it is doomed as a socioeconomic system. What concerns socialism, Marx envisaged it only in general terms as the liberation of labour from capitalist exploitation. This necessitates the abolition of capital, i.e the private property on the means of production which is exactly the instrument which enables the capitalists to extract surplus value from hired labour. Sadly, Marx did not draw any blueprint of socialist (communist) society, therefore it was easy for scumbag Stalin to pervert the ways of Soviets after the death of Lenin and the expulsion of Trotsky.

Being a mean oriental despot, Stalin (he was a Georgian, not a Russian, his real name was Dzhugashvili) slaughtered all prominent communists ("bolsheviks") in 1937 and created a new privileged class exploiting hired and even slave (Gulag) labour - the "party" bureaucracy or "nomenklatura" which was depicted by George Orwell in "1984" ruling England as "Ingsoc". Mr. Khrushchev in 1955 started to revive socialist democracy by correcting the evil ways of "nomenklatura" establishment left behind by Stalin after his death in 1953, but was overthrown by nomenklatura in 1963. Later on this nomenklatura finally betrayed the cause of socialism and with the hands of such assholes as Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin destroyed Soviet Union and restored capitalism in Russia.

I consider behaviorism to be the only presently available scientific and technological instrument which can be used to construct properly functioning socialist society as a humane and socially just alternative to capitalism. Behaviorism and operant social engineering are not evil; they were made so by capitalism using them as a manipulative weapon of the capitalist oligarchy (Messrs. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Soros, Buffet and their ilk) in its class war against the 99% of mankind. Regrettably Prof. Skinner being "as american as an apple pie" was absolutely ignorant of socialism and therefore in his "Walden-Two" depicted an elitist utopia similar to Huxley's "Brave New World". On the other hand he wrote brilliant popular books on the subject of radical (operant) behaviorism (skinnerian, not pavlovian+watsonian), e.g. "About Behaviorism" and "Beyond Freedom and Dignity". I recommend you reading these books to get the right and positive grasp of the mechanisms of behavior. I am also proud of having translated the last book into Russian (the first segment here: ).

After reading these books you will realize that what you call "mindset" is really the set of operants and chains of operants which guide you in the routine of everyday life. What counts, is action (behavior), not "thinking". Correspondingly, the phrase you put in the beginning of your film "The Minds of Men": "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable - what then" (George Orwell 1984) is just an empty solipsism with a modern cognitivist-mentalist flavour.

You are very welcome to have a discussion of these problems with me.


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