Freitag, 24. Juli 2020


"The first casualty of war is truth" - an old saying.

Yes. Be it the Cold War, or the War Against Drugs, or western imperialism's wars of aggression against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya (I mention only the latest ones), or the War Against Terrorism, or regime-change wars masquerading as "color revolutions" and "jihads", or the War Against CO2, or the War Against COVID-19 - the first casualty always was and is the truth.
The mass-media frenzy around COVID-19 continues now already for six months and shows no sign of calming down. Everyone on our planet is constantly bombarded with terrifying news and grave warnings/orders, such as:
- the overwhelming numbers of the victims of COVID-19: dead, ill, presumably infected and tested positively;
- the necessity to isolate him/herself from relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances - so-called "social distancing" or rather antisocial distancing;
- the prohibition to appear in shops, public transport and other public places without a mask covering mouth and nose;
- the prophesies of the "inevitable second wave of COVID-19 pandemics";
- urgent misleading warnings not to use as medicine or prophylactics the combination of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, zinc, and vitamins, especially vitamins D and C, because it allegedly is not only ineffective against COVID-19 but also can inflict harm and even be the cause of death;
- comforting announcements that COVID-19 perhaps can be cured with experimental very expensive antiviral agent Remdesivir;
- enthusiastic promises of speedy arrival of the ultimate wonder remedy which will defeat COVID-19 once and for all - scarcely tested but nevertheless "safe and effective" vaccine;
- peremptory statements that there is no alternative to vaccines as instrument of boosting immune defenses of human organism against viruses in general and COVID-19 in particular...

In a word, the virus SARS-CoV-2 which is the hero of COVID-19 mass-media campaign is depicted as a terrifying menace to the mankind and vaccines are depicted as the only defence against it. We see intimidating pictures of SARS-CoV-2 such as this one
every time we watch news, and this virus acquired some resemblance to such unqestionably dangerous things as sea mines:
which when touched, explode and cause enormous devastation:
As a result, this virus caused mass panic and a desire to hide from it at home and remain forever under house arrest:
Considering the unprecedented fact that a virus which every winter plays a minor role beside influenza viruses, rhinoviruses and other coronaviruses in seasonal respiratory diseases from common cold to pneumonia, suddenly became the main theme of mass-media and an important agent in the spheres of politics and economics, it is high time for everyone to find out, which information is true and which is a fake. I invite you to do it together with me.

Certainly, we shall discuss only those themes which belong to the spheres of medical virology and molecular biology and leave without consideration political and economic aspects of COVID-19. We shall start with the easiest questions and most obvious answers and then proceed to those which require scientific knowledge to come to sane and valid answers.

First a short introduction of our hero - the virus SARS-CoV-2. It belongs to the group of coronaviruses, is ball-shaped having the diameter of approx. 125 nm (0,125 μm) and consist of single-stranded positive-sense RNA molecule ca. 30 kilobase long packaged as a nucleocapsid and a lipid bilayer membrane envelope with embedded functional proteins,. It looks this way under the electron microscope:
Sometimes it is painted as a sort of pretty flower bed:
Now we can start answering easy questions. First of all, we can see that the first picture showing viruses SARS-CoV-2 of the same size as erythrocytes is wrong. Erythrocytes have the diameter of approx. 8 μm, they are at least 60 times bigger than coronaviruses. But more important is the fact that 40 to 90 % of particles as big as 1000 nm (1 μm) DO penetrate masks made of cloth and surgical masks made of nonwoven fabric:

These masks are designed to be used in sterile operation rooms as the means of protecting the patient from any bacteria which could eventually be exhaled by the surgeon and his assistants. Therefore these masks do NOT protect from SARS-CoV-2 viruses. This fact is sometimes stated on the package:
Nevertheless there are many brainwashed mask believers who don't want to see this plain truth:
The same should be said about all sorts of cloth and non-woven fabric masks. (See here ) All these masks get soaked with exhaled moisture already after several minutes of usage and loose the ability to filtrate air which then begins to pass through the gaps between the mask and user's face.
More interesting is the case of N95 graded respirators:
They have better filtrating properties and DO protect from fine dust particles and bacteria (but alas, NOT viruses) in the air. They have a valve which releases the exhaled air without filtering because tiny pore size make breathing too difficult and even impossible after the filter is clogged with exhaled moisture. But please note that for a person infected with COVID-19 wearing a N95 respirator does not hinder him/her to act as the source of infection for others!

Whether we like it or not, we cannot evade contact with SARS-CoV-2 or any other viruses without using special protective gear like this:
It means that wearing masks in everyday life is nothing but an antiscientific superstition and has the only function to submit people to the officially prescribed ritual. This fact reflects the fundamental principle that mankind and all other living beings always lived, live now and will live in future in constant unavoidable symbiosis with viruses. It is now evident that genetical interactions between viruses and living beings is the major source of genetic diversity and thus the basis of the evolution of all species. Now, after the human genome was sequenced, we know that about half, possibly even two-thirds of its sequence are nothing but more or less complete endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) and related retroelements (REs). They are remnants of ancient retroviral germline infections that became evolutionarily fixed in the genome. (See ).

These numerous viral sequences found in our DNA are not a genetically neutral archaism. The majority of viral sequences are integrated in our non-coding genes. Coding genes are like musicians who, instead of producing sound, produce proteins, which are the fundamental building-blocks of all life forms. Non-coding genes play an even more fundamental role; they are like a conductor directing the musicians - they modulate the expression of coding genes. (See ).

Therefore it is extremely important NOT to interfere with this interplay of human genome and the multitude of viruses existing in the biosphere. Genetic manipulation in general and particularly that of viruses can have devastating consequences for health and even existence of man as biological species. Unfortunately, there are indications that SARS-CoV-2 virus is a product of irresponsible clandestine genetic manipulation.

But before we turn our attention to the peculiarities of SARS-CoV-2 virus, it should be noted that the majority of deaths officially ascribed to COVID-19 in reality are caused by other causes, among them lack of or incompetent medical treatment of the victims. Majority of COVID-19 death cases are in fact cases of tuberculosis overlaid with SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially among the decrepit poor of New York and Northern Italy. More than 80% of COVID-19-related deaths are caused by TB and other co-morbid conditions. (See ).

This thesis is substantiated by the fact that the BCG TB-vaccine reduces the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 3-fold and drugs used to treat TB (azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine) are successfully used to treat COVID-19. (See ).

But the major causes of excessive death cases are political measures of "war against COVID-19". They are twofold: first, the re-profiling of clinics and other medical institutions from their usual activities towards "fighting against Corona-pandemics" This re-profiling severely restricted access of patients to necessary treatment, especially of non-infectious diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular conditions, and substantially increased the waiting list of cases requiring urgent treatment or surgery:

Second, it is the compulsory "isolation" (i.e. lockdown or house arrest) with all inevitable negative social, psychological and medical consequences, such as for example deficit of physical exercise, fresh air and vitamin D which requires insolation of skin to be synthesized by human body:

The most obvious confirmation of this thesis is provided by the politics of the British government which imposed isolation later than many other countries, actually after the winter peak of mortality caused by acute respiratory diseases. British web site UK Column News traced this development each week and here is the result:
This diagram shows the excessive seasonal mortality as compared with the average of previous years. The peak occurred definitely after the lockdown was imposed on the 13th week of 2020.

And here you can see the comparison of the number of diagnosed cases and deaths between lockdown- and non-lockdown-countries:

It is now the right moment to recapitulate that coronaviruses are actually nothing more than one member of the triad of pathogens (together with influenza- and rhino-viruses) causing every winter seasonal peaks of viral respiratory diseases. Even with the excessive deaths caused by political measures the total number of deaths in 2019-2020 from seasonal respiratory diseases does not exceed the average of the last 50 years.

In short, government policies almost everywhere in the world (with the rare exceptions like Belarus or Sweden) were counterproductive. But are there any medicines which really cure COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2?

There are announcements in the mass-media that MAYBE the antiviral agent called Remdesivir will help. It should be noted that Remdesivir was developed as a medicine against Ebola virus which belongs to a different type of viruses (Filoviridae) which not only look very differently:
but also have a totally different mechanism of infection (with single-strand negative-sense RNA), from coronaviruses which have single-strand positive-sense RNA. Nevertheless Remdesivir is advertised by its manufacturer (price for a 5-day treatment is no less than 2340 US $) as a "promising experimental treatment" (see ),
whereas the efficient (see e.g. ) treatment of the initial phase of COVID-19 with the combination of Chloroquin, Azithromycin, Zinc and vitamins D and C is maliciously slandered by mass-media as "ineffective and life-threatening". Maybe it is because this really effective treatment is dirt-cheap (the price of Hydroxychloroquin and Azithromycin sufficient for a 10-day treatment is 30 Euro in Germany!)
The effectiveness of this treatment against corona viruses is nothing new. It was successfully used already in 2012 to treat cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Its mechanism of action against corona viruses is presumed to be as follows: Hydroxychloroquine affects glycosilation of the ACE-2 pulmonary cell receptors, impairing viral cell entry (see ) whereas Azithromycin opens channels in pulmonary cell membranes to allow entry of Zn+2 ions which disrupt functioning of the coronaviral replicase-transcriptase complex which carries out both replication and transcription of viral RNA in infected cells (see ):

Certainly it is undeniable that treatment of COVID-19 at its late life-threatening stage of so-called "broken glass in lungs":
(which actually is massive inflammation and thrombosis of lungs) with the combination of Hydroxychloroquin, Azithromycin, Zinc and vitamins D and C would be too late, but at least this treatment does not kill patients the way officially prescribed "ventilators" do, which mechanically tear lungs already badly damaged by inflammation (see )

Nevertheless mass-media repeat ad nauseam that the only means to defeat COVID-19 are vaccines, particularly mRNA vaccines tirelessly publicized and advertised by Mr. Bill Gates. The question "Who is Mr. Gates?" is properly answered in following recent videos authored by Mr. James Corbett and can be watched here:

Mr. Bill Gates has enormous (and very negative) influence on the governments around the world and on such organizations as WHO. Therefore it is very important to give substantiated rebuttal to his wild and ignorant claims and promises, as well as to show really promising alternatives which unfortunately are being suppressed. But first we need to turn to relevant scientific facts of molecular virology and immunology.

The fundamental fact is that viruses exist only thanks their symbiosis with some really living organism, be it a bacteria or a man. Killing their host threatens their own existence. Therefore the great majority of viruses is NOT pathogenic; they are just harmless molecular parasites. And even pathogenic viruses are NOT instant killers, and they kill only vulnerable (sick, old, decrepit) organisms.

Second, viral infections have the following peculiarity: viruses always play the game of molecular deception. They always pretend to be not a foreign intruder but something belonging to the host organism. In our case the SARS-CoV-2 virus pretends to be the organism's molecular message angiotensin when binding to the host cell receptor - angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE-2) and inserting viral RNA into its cytoplasm. It means that viruses always sneak like a cat and never threateningly trample like a maori warrior:

It practically means that the co-evolution of viruses with the host species enabled them to evade the host's immune system. Keeping that in mind let us now evaluate the benefits and dangers of vaccines. It is clear that vaccines DO protect organism against openly hostile invaders, for example pathogenic bacteria, when the active ingredient (antigen) of a given vaccine is some peculiar molecular component of the pathogenic microorganism: fragment of cell wall, capsule or an exotoxin. Exactly this makes the vaccines against e.g. cholera, plague, tetanus or anthrax efficient.

On the other hand the business (it IS nothing but business!) of vaccines is very tricky. But first be it reminded that vaccines work inducing specific antibodies against antigens they contain:
Human organism  generates many different antibodies against the injected antigens after vaccine injection(s). Antibodies among other things differ in their mode of action:
Although all of them may agglutinate antigens in laboratory, in a living organism some of them turn out to be neutralizing, and the others - binding (non-neutralizing or opsonising). Roughly speaking, the first type of antibodies works as part of the humoral immune system and the second - as part of cell-mediated immune system. It means that binding antibodies bind to an antigen, marking it for subsequent destruction by phagocytes. Neutralizing antibodies, on the other hand, stop the function of the antigen (in our case, prevent binding of SARS-CoV-2 viruses to the epithelial cells of lungs).

Ideally vaccination should produce neutralizing antibodies to disable invading virus before it has a chance to cause infection. But reality is very different, mainly because viruses are nano-cats and not micro-maori-warriors. All their components are evolutionary selected to immunologically resemble as much as possible the biomolecules which the host organism recognizes as belonging to itself and not as something foreign. This is exactly the case of SARS-CoV-2 viral protein S which mimics host's tissue hormone angiotensin.

That is why anti-viral vaccines often contain not only viral antigens, but also adjuvants - biologically and chemically aggressive substances which cause inflammation and thus provoke immune reaction of vaccinated organism against the components of vaccines. It must be noted that in addition to adjuvants vaccines contain sterilized viruses in their cultivation broth containing remnants of "immortal", i.e. cancerous cell culture - a nondescript wild mixture of substances which inevitably acts as a potpourri of antigens...

No wonder that "anti-viral" vaccines are notoriously dangerous. There are plenty of cases when hundreds and even thousands of vaccinated people became victims of severe diseases among which often are exactly the diseases the vaccine is claimed to protect against! This is particularly the case of vaccines against coronaviruses. In order not to be branded as "an ignorant anti-vaxxer" I would prefer to quote a number of passages from this source: :

"Animal Corona vaccine trials (in 2012-2014): After vaccinating the animals, the outcomes seemed positive, as antibodies were present, and animals seemingly healthy. However, on reinfection, i.e. when "challenged" with SARS-Cov-1, those animals in every one of the studies then reacted poorly. They exhibited "vaccine-induced enhancement" (of immune response). The process of vaccination and interfering with the animals' immune system made them more vulnerable to that coronavirus strain. (...)
The new 2019 flu vaccine: I'll first quote the UK publichealthmatters blog (2019/10/04), a post entitled: "Flu vaccination: The main things to know about the 2019" and the "Time to get your flu jab" programme:
'... A wider range of flu vaccines are now available which should offer better protection. This includes the "adjuvanted" vaccine which was offered to those aged 65 years and over for the first time last year and provided a higher level of protection compared to the standard non-adjuvanted vaccines in this age group. In 2019 the flu vaccines got an upgrade. There was the addition of a new cell-based vaccine which protects against four strains of flu (quadruvalent) - including a H1N1-pdm09-like virus and a H3N2-like virus; plus there's a High Dose Vaccination designed specifically for seniors' (...)
COVID-19 deaths: Who is dying from COVID-19? - Mainly older people in their 70s and 80s with an already existing health complications (as the sample of 355 Italians suggests). However, some healthy younger people are dying, and so are healthy medical staff. So who across the world got the flu shot in 2019?
The 2019 flu season and flu shot: Well, the elderly and those with health complications were urged to get the flu shot. And medical staff, those working in hospitals for example, were encouraged or directed to have the flu shots. Some of the more cautious people in their 20s, 30s and 40s decided to get the flu shot too, as well as did many young children aged between 2 and 5. And there were special super-shots for the elderly too. However, as I will explain later, I am going to discount the young. Plus their immature immune systems are adapting, evolving and "learning" to survive in the world.
Looking at the COVID-19 hot spots, many correlate with 2019 influenza hot spots - and where there was a strong uptake in vaccines. Italy was badly hit by COVID-19 with over 23000 deaths. Since the start of the flu season in October 2019, there were 2768000 cases of flu recorded across Italy - that is 2,7 million in a population of 60 million. At the flu outbreak peak in mid-January 488000 cases were recorded in one week, and about one million people were vaccinated.
CBS News New York on 26 December 2019 warned about the flu season, the longest in a decade: 'Health Department: Confirmed flu cases in NYC up 77%: The flu season is also in high gear here in the Big Apple... everyone who is able is being advised to get a flu shot. Flu kills an average of 8000 people every year, and it can be particularly serious in older adults, very young children, and people with underlying health conditions... Employers of frontline health and social care workers also have a responsibility to ensure their staff can get free vaccine.'
Vaccine-induced enhancement: But will the flu shot lower risk for coronavirus?
About four years ago, Dr. Peter Hotez was trialling a SARS vaccine with animals. NBC News in the US reported (5 March 2020): "Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up." Dr. Hotez suggests that the vaccine that he had been working on for SARS in 2016 could have provided cross-protection against COVID-19...
But wait. Later, in the same NBC article, there is the reference to the animal trials: "Early efforts to develop a SARS vaccine in animal trials were plagued by a phenomenon known as 'vaccine-induced enhancement', in which recipients exhibit worse symptoms after being injected - something Dr. Fauci said researchers must be mindful of as they work to quickly develop a vaccine against COVID-19."
Essentially the vaccine was making the animals MORE vulnerable to the virus, dramatically compromising their immune system - resulting in the equivalent of a cytokine storm. Sound familiar?
It appears that all the countries and cities that were badly affected had some flu outbreak in late 2019 and early 2020, and that their governments had campaigns encouraging the elderly and medical staff to get their flu shots in those countries. 2019 brought NEW vaccines onto the market, and across the world these vaccines were delivered to protect the populations against influenza. And then I found this study in the US National Library of Medicine: "Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defence personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season".
Virus interference: 'The study of 2880 military personnel found that receiving the influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference.
... it appears that the flu shot protects against influenza and it appears some other types of viruses as well, but it comes at a price of actually increasing the risk for coronavirus infections. ... the standard answers of an elderly population and the failure to implement social distancing soon enough just don't explain what is happening [in Italy]. My colleague, Dr. Alex Vasquez, provided me with a valuable insight. In September 2019, Italy rolled out an entirely new type of influenza vaccine - 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses. It looks like this "super" vaccine impacted the immune system in such a way to increase coronavirus infection through virus interference that set stage for what happened in Italy.'
It is clear that animals are dramatically affected by corona virus after vaccinations. It is highly likely that the new flu shots might interfere with the bodies' immune system causing viral interference - resulting in over-immune responses and cytokine storms, and the very symptoms described by doctors. An immediate study should be done on COVID-19 patients and their recent vaccination history to establish any patterns.
Governments across the world - assisted by media spin - are suggesting we should be saved by a vaccination, with Bill Gates et al., wanting to rush a COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) vaccine for every single man, woman and child on this planet. 7,7 billion of us. They are even supported by PETA in going straight to humans:
'... we [PETA] have been saying for years that experiments on animals are pointless - they slow down the search for treatment and cures for human disease... But when it comes to a new coronavirus vaccine, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is finally heeding PETA's call. According to BBC News, the agency isn't waiting for the typical, lengthy animal-testing phase and is instead heading straight for human trials." (End of quotation)

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