Montag, 30. Januar 2017



(Пишу эту заметку по-английски - для западной публики, которая зачарована режимом Иудушки Путина. Заметка посвящена избиению правозащитницы Елены Рохлиной и адвоката Алексея Суханова распоясавшимися судебными приставами в Тверском суде г. Москвы, где власти устроили позорное судилище над правозащитниками-мухинцами - ИГПР "ЗОВ" - за попытку законным образом провести референдум.

Должен заметить, что правозащитники сами должны преодолевать языковый барьер и делать сообщения на английском, чтобы на Западе их услышали и кто-то вообще начал бы протестовать против безобразий и бардака, царящих в России. Западные масс-медии крайне тенденциозны и поднимают шум только из-за своих прозападных антикоммунистических бздиссидентов вроде Навального.)

The lies of western alternative media when they report on Russia are amazing. In reality Mr. Putin's bunch of thieves and corruptioneers is very similar to "banana republic" regimes imposed by western imperialism on the peoples of the "third world" and is a dead loss for the people of Russia.

Please watch this video in Russian where the alternative media journalist Mr. Maxim Kalashnikov interviews a witness and both victims - a human rights activist Ms. Helen Rokhlin and a lawyer (attorney) Mr. Alexei Sukhanov telling the bitter truth about the repressions and brutal violence of Mr. Putin's bureaucratic bloodhounds directly in the Moscow Tverskoi courthouse.

Ms. Helen Rokhlin in the lobby of Sklifosovski emergency hospital

Mr. Alexei Sukhanov after emergency treatment at Sklifosovski hospital

Ms. Rokhlin and Mr. Sukhanov were sadistically humiliated and brutally beaten up by a bunch of "sudebnye pristavy" (a special russian judicial police force which is widely known to be nothing but rascalous thugs) for attending the kangaroo court hearing which corrupt Putin's regime fabricated against a group of russian human rights activists headed by Mr. Mukhin (ИГПР "ЗОВ" - Initiative Group for People's Referenda).

Quite obviously western alternative media should start reporting the crimes of Putin's regime composed of the same sort of corrupt pro-western puppets as all other pseudo-democratic regimes installed by western imperialism in Eastern Europe and ex-Soviet Republics, like e.g. bandero-fascist criminal regime in the Ukraine and ultranationationalist regimes in Poland, Rumania and Baltic States.

It is also important to accentuate the fact that the so-called "human rights activists" - "dissidents" of the past who were mobilized and protected by western imperialism to pester the Soviet ruling "nomenklatura" of Mr. Brezhnev, are now  either best friends of Mr. Putin & his oligarch mafia (e.g.  the notorious "dissident" Ms. Alexeeva):

or specialize in "protecting the rights" of ISIS western terrorist mercenaries (like ex-actress Ms. Akhedzhakova):

Contemporary Russia has enormous deficit of democratic and socialist political culture. Reactionary restoration of capitalism after the breakup of Soviet Union resulted in the emergence of a vicious and corrupt regime of criminal comprador oligarchs doing their best to imitate 19th century "robber barons". Russian "presidential democracy" in reality is a pro-western "banana republic" dictatorship. Even the only truly opposition party in Russia (the KPRF communist party headed by Mr. Ziuganov) is simply a bunch of spineless opportunists. This catastrophic antidemocratic and antisocial climate was deliberately created in Russia by western secret service puppeteers who pulled the strings of neoliberal scumbag gangs of Mr. Gorbachev and Mr. Yeltsin.

It is scandalous that western and especially american public, when trying to specify the vices of capitalism, use totally inadequate words which were perfidiously turned by western capitalist propaganda into dirty words of abuse - communism, socialism, materialism! The overwhelming majority of oppressed Russian people is longing for the revival of Soviet socialist system of government and rejects capitalist exploiters and beaurocratic parasites of Putin regime, as genuinely independent opinion polls invariably demonstrate:

Poll data of a recent Vlad Zhukovski's TV show "Красная линия" - "Red line" audience.
Question: "What is the solution of poverty problem in Russia?"
Multiple choice replies:
- Reduction of population size - 3 %
- Economy growth acceleration - 6 %
- Activities of charitable organizations - 1%
- Government policy based on socialist principles - 90 %

Tragically, this will of russian people is stubbornly ignored by the treacherous pro-western Putin-Medvedev government and mass-media, both in Russia and in the West. The handful of opposition intellectuals voicing in the web this terrible truth about political situation in Russia is subject to incessant government repressions. In my opinion, the central consensual figure among those who clearly represent democratic and socialist political values is Mr. Yuri Boldyrev:

Mr. Boldyrev
Please visit his very informative web site (in Russian) here: /

Freitag, 20. Januar 2017



This con is as false as a 3 US $ bank note. Silly kids believe it is genuine...

It is the same vicious plot of "color revolution", designed by the CIA hireling Gene Sharp, which ruined Yugoslavia, Libya, Ukraine (twice) and Syria and badly damaged Egypt, Kyrgizstan (three times), Tunesia and Georgia.

Wall St. banksters handsomely pay the anarcho-fascist rioters to destroy USA.